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April 2020 Update from Haiti

April 20, 2020

How are YOU doing?

We want to start with the most important question right now: How are you? We pray this update finds you doing the best you can under incredibly challenging times. We want to let you know that our friends in Haiti are worried about our COVID-19 situation and have expressed their desire to pass along that they are praying for all of us.

Lott Carey School, along with everyone else in Haiti are taking safety precautions to social distance as there are limited cases of COVID-19 in Haiti. Schools are shut down, and Pastor Saul is providing some “stop by and pick-up” food options for students by the front gate. Nutrition continues to be a concern and we’re thankful for the resources Pastor Saul is able to pull together for students and their families. The school year will likely be altered to run through the summer. We’ll keep you updated. 

March 2020 Trip Highlights

On our March trip to Haiti, we were able to offer a Typing class to 25 students on computers. It was very well received and the students learned a lot. We hope to continue offering computer education.

VBS brought 380 kids to participate in the week’s activities. It’s always a joy to see their enthusiasm, and it brings us just as much joy to provide this fun way of sharing God’s stories of hope. VBS is a chance to interact and spend time with the students at Lott Carey and our team gains just as much from the experience as the kids. 

We were able to provide physicals to about half the student body in March, as well as offer a mobile clinic at Lott Carey Church to students and their families. 

New Glasses for Mr. Ceser

Mr. Jimmy Ceser, one of our Math and Science teachers at Lott Carey, was in need of a new pair of glasses. He was able to get glasses and can now see beyond an arm’s length while teaching our students. Jimmy was born in Leogane and is married to his wife Josette Jean Louis who is a 1st grade teacher at Lott Carey as well. Together, they have a beautiful 9 month old baby girl.

New Sponsor System

We are excited to be leaning into our recent 501c3 status, which is allowing us more flexibility. We recently launched this new website where we'll highlight news from Haiti, videos, opportunities, and more. It will integrate with our new “behind the scenes” sponsor system that will allow us faster and more frequent updates from Haiti that we can share with sponsors. You can expect to hear more from our team about this in the weeks to come. We look forward to sharing photos and messages between students and their sponsors. 

Facebook Fundraiser Success

Our first “official” Facebook fundraiser was a huge success, raising $2,200 for Haiti Kids School. We love how simple and interactive social media is to engage with everyone who has a heart for Haiti. 

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