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A Day in the Life of a Student at Lott Carey School

Oct 03, 2023

Before the roosters have sung their morning song in Leogone, Roseline is already awake.

Most days she doesn't eat any breakfast, but instead waits to eat at school. However, today she remembers a fresh mango waiting for her and her younger brother to share. She gets dressed in her school uniform and meticulously fixes her hair. Wiping away the dust that clings to her skin and shoes, she embodies the resilience of a young student determined to look her best at school today.

She boards the Lott Carey school bus that takes her to school where she heads to the courtyard to wait and chat with her friends about typical thirteen-year-old topics.

Half an hour later, the entire school stands still. The flag ceremony commences with students joining together to sing the national anthem. At 8 a.m., Pastor Saul, the principal of the school reads the daily announcements. Roseline and her classmates know it's time to line up behind their teacher and follow him to their classroom. Their morning is filled with English, French, Math, and Science. Some days she has music class, but not today.

Around noon her class is dismissed to go to lunch, so they stop by the well on the property to get a drink, wash their hands, and splash water on their faces. They go through the lunch line and receive a freshly prepared hot meal of rice, beans, onion sauce, and an orange slice. They walk back to the classroom to eat. Her teacher asks her to wash the blackboard after she’s done eating, and friends help tidy the classroom. School is dismissed after lunch, before the heat of the day rises. She boards the bus for a ride home, but not before she’s handed a bag of dry rice and cooking oil to take home for the weekend. 

Rosaline spends the rest of the day working on homework in the shade of a tree in the courtyard area outside of her home. She works hard on her homework, because she plans to attend high school and become a teacher herself.

By Beth Gasser 13 Jul, 2022
Honoring Kindergarteners & Seniors
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